The brief introduction of the anchor chain

Anchor chain refers to the special chain connecting the anchor and the hull and transmitting the anchor grasping force. It is usually composed of anchor end link, middle link and end link. According to the structure of chain link, it can be divided into two kinds: retaining anchor chain and unstopped anchor chain. The strength of the former is greater than that of the latter; According to the manufacturing method, the anchor chain can be divided into cast steel anchor chain and electric welding anchor chain. The length of anchor chain is in knots, and the standard length of each knot of anchor chain is 27.5m. The internodes are connected by connecting links or connecting shackles. Generally, the chain length of the main anchor on each side of the 10000 ton ship is about 12 knots.

Anchor chain is a steel chain connecting the hull and anchor. The main functions of the anchor chain are: connecting the anchor and the ship, transmitting the grasping force of the anchor to the hull; When anchoring, because the thrown anchor chain has a certain weight, it can buffer the wind and other external forces on the ship in the water; The force of the anchor chain in the horizontal underwater part on the anchor remains horizontal, which is conducive to the reliable bottom grasping of the anchor. At the same time, due to the blocking effect of soil, this part of anchor chain can also provide some anchoring force